


Topic: Describe a memorable event in your life.
One of the most memorable events in my life was when I went on a solo trip to Europe. It was my first time tra veling al o ne, and I was both nervous and excited. I had planned my trip for months and had a detailed itinerary of the places I wanted to visit.
The first stop on my trip was Paris. As soon as I arrived, I was struck by the beauty of the city. The architecture, the food, the people – everything was so different from what I was used to. I spent my first day exploring the city on foot, visiting landmarks like the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre Museum.
The next few weeks were a blur of train rides, new cities, and new experiences. I visited Amsterdam, Berlin, Pra gue, and Vienna, among other places. Each city had its own unique charm, and I loved immersing myself in the local culture.
One moment that stood out to me was when I was in Berlin. I had planned to visit the Berlin Wall, which was something I had always wanted to see. As I stood there, looking at the graffiti-covered wall, I felt a sense of awe. It was a reminder of the struggles and triumphs of the hum a n spirit.
Overall, my solo trip to Europe was an unforgettable experience. It taught me to be more independent, to embrace new cultures, and to a p preciate the beauty of the world around us.


1. 个人观点:
- In my opinion, / Personally, I think that...
- From my point of view, / As far as I'm concerned...
- I believe that / I feel that / I reckon that...
2. 对比和对立:
- On the one hand, / On the other hand, / However, / Nevertheless...
- Although / Despite / In spite of / While...
- Compared with / In contrast to / Similarly, / Likewise...
3. 举例和解释:
- For example, / For instance, / Such as...
- In other words, / That is to say, / To put it another way...
- This means that / This indicates that / This suggests that...
4. 强调和重复:
- It's worth noting that / It's important to remember that...
- As I mentioned earlier, / As I said before, / As I've already explained...
- In short, / To sum up, / In conclusion...
5. 提出建议:
- I would recommend that / My suggestion would be to...
- It might be a good idea to / It could be beneficial to...
- One way to address this issue would be to / We could consider...
6. 表达态度和情感:
- I'm really excited about / I'm thrilled to / I'm delighted to...
- I'm quite nervous about / I'm a bit worried about...
- I'm really disa p pointed that / I'm frustrated that / I'm annoyed that...


答案:Hello! What would you like to know about Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba Group?


Part 1:
1. What is your name?
My name is [Name].
2. Where are you from?
I'm from [Country/City].
3. What do you do?
I'm a [Occupation/Student].
4. Do you like [Activity]?
Yes, I really enjoy [Activity]. It's [Reason].
5. How often do you [Activity]?
I [Activity] [Frequency].
Part 2:
1. Describe a [Person/Place/Thing] you like.
The [Person/Place/Thing] I like is [Name/Location/Object]. It's [Adjective] because [Reason].
2. Describe a [Person/Place/Thing] you dislike.
The [Person/Place/Thing] I dislike is [Name/Location/Object]. It's [Adjective] because [Reason].
3. Describe a memorable event in your life.
The memorable event in my life is [Event]. It ha p pened [Time/Date/Place]. It was [Adjective] because [Reason].


