




Part 1:引言(Introduction)
1. 背景句(Background sentence):介绍话题背景和相关情况
2. 问题句(Problem sentence):明确论述问题或观点
3. 论点句(Thesis statement):提出自己的观点或解决方案
Part 2:主体段落(Body para graphs)
1. 论点一(Argument 1):提出第一点论据并进行分析解释
2. 论点二(Argument 2):提出第二点论据并进行分析解释
3. 论点三(Argument 3):提出第三点论据并进行分析解释
Part 3:结论(Conclusion)
1. 总结句(Summary sentence):概括全文内容
2. 建议句(Recommendation sentence):提出建议或呼吁行动
3. 结束句(Closing sentence):结束文章
Part 1:引言
1. 背景句:Environmental protection has become a pressing global issue in recent years.
2. 问题句:Some people argue that economic development should be prioritized over environmental protection, while others believe that the two can and should be balanced.
3. 论点句:This essay will argue that environmental protection should be given equal importance as economic development.
Part 2:主体段落
1. 论点一:Environmental protection is essential for the survival of our planet. The degradation of natural resources and pollution of the environment ha ve led to devastating consequences, such as climate change, which threatens the well-being of all living beings.
2. 论点二:Economic development must be sustainable and not at the cost of environmental degradation. This can be achieved through the adoption of green technologies and practices, which not only protect the environment but also create economic opportunities and jobs.
3. 论点三:Environmental protection and economic development can and should be balanced. Governments can implement policies and regulations that incentivize businesses to adopt environmentally-friendly practices, while also promoting economic growth and development.
Part 3:结论
1. 总结句:In conclusion, environmental protection is crucial for the survival and well-being of our planet, and should be given equal importance as economic development.
2. 建议句:Governments, businesses, and individuals all ha ve a role to play in promoting environmental protection and sustainable economic development. We must work together to ensure a better future for ourselves and future generations.
3. 结束句:Only by taking action now can we protect our environment and ensure a sustainable future for all.


1. 家庭和亲密关系
2. 旅游和文化差异
3. 媒体和通讯技术
4. 环境和可持续发展
5. 教育和学习经历
6. 社会问题和政(zhèng)治(zhì)观点
7. 工作和职业选择
8. 娱(yú)乐(lè)和休闲活动
9. 健康和生活方式
10. 科技和创新


In my opinion, college students should continuously learn throughout their lives. Learning is a never-ending process, and it is essential to keep up with the rapidly changing world we live in.
Firstly, continuous learning helps individuals stay relevant and competitive in the workforce. With advancements in technology and automation, many jobs are becoming obsolete, and new ones are emerging. To remain employable, individuals need to update their skills and knowledge constantly. For instance, a marketing graduate might ha ve learned the basics of digital marketing in college, but the field is constantly evolving, and new platforms and strategies are being introduced. To stay ahead of the competition, this individual needs to continuously learn and adapt to new developments.
Secondly, continuous learning helps individuals grow personally and professionally. Learning new things broadens one's horizons and enhances their creativity and problem-solving skills. It also helps individuals stay intellectually stimulated and fulfilled. Additionally, continuous learning can lead to new opportunities and experiences. For example, learning a new langua ge can open up opportunities to tra vel and work in different countries.


